Mail Out settings

Allow outgoing mail

    Messages expire after __ hours:
    If you allow outgoing mail, you can set a message expiration time limit. After this time limit, messages not delivered are returned to the sender.

    Relay all SMTP mail via ______:
    Enter the IP address or DNS name of the server designated to handle outgoing mail.

    Warn sender of non-delivery after __ hours:
    When there is a temporary problem sending a mail message (for example, the addressee's server is temporarily unavailable), you can have the mail server send a non-delivery warning to the sender.

    A non-delivery warning informs the sender of a problem that may be resolved. By contrast, a non-delivery notification states that a message cannot be sent.

    Warn Postmaster of non-delivery:
    Postmaster is an account commonly used to report mail problems. It is the same account as the Mail Administrator.

Hold outgoing mail

    If you hold outgoing mail, all mail sent to the server is stored until outgoing mail service is allowed.

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